.scrollbox { height:100px width:400px overflow:auto; } A Mom With A Blog: Vinyl Wall Decor in the Nursery

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Vinyl Wall Decor in the Nursery

Back with another Pinterest decor find!

Lately it seems like vinyl lettering and designs are the "in" thing. My house isn't the exception. I found a cute vinyl tree and owl to put in my sons room before we was born. It really is the central point of his entire owl theme. We absolutely love it.

Putting it up was mostly time consuming. The directions suggested that we "wash" the wall first. I skipped this step. Anytime I've ever attempted to wipe down a wall, it always left behind little fuzzies from whatever I used. Yep, skipped it.  Each leaf has to be stuck onto the wall individually. It really wasn't so bad. Here's a few pictures of the process. Please note, I was VERY pregnant at this point.

We ended up having to cut the bottom of the tree trunk off in order to make it work for the space that we were going to put it on the wall. It was a full length tree, down to the trunk, but with our wainscoting, it just wouldn't have worked.

After a couple hours (and a couple swear words), we were finished!

Looks cute eh? Now that it's been on there for a year, I can tell you that this vinyl decal has really held up nicely. There has been a little bit of peeling on a couple of the leaves, but not nearly enough for anyone to walk in and really notice. I notice, because I'm a freak. Honestly, the peeling was most likely due to the fact that my wall wasn't perfectly clean to start out with - remember how I was supposed to give it a wipe? Yeah. Regardless, we love this!

Check out this and other decor pins on my Pinterest page.

For a link to this exact product, click here for Leen The Graphics Queen Etsy shop.

Happy Tuesday!

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