.scrollbox { height:100px width:400px overflow:auto; } A Mom With A Blog: June 2014

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Big News!

So I've taken some time away from the blog to get my poop in a group.
Honestly, I've straight up just felt like crap....and here's why -

Yes! Baby #2 is due in January 2015!
We are very excited of course, but I've been finding getting through each day with a toddler and upset stomach/extreme exhaustion nearly debilitating. I've barely been able to keep up with him, let alone this blog.
It seems like this week I am still quite exhausted, however some of my nausea has subsided (for now!). Hopefully that means I can stop slacking and get back to my blogging hobby!

In the mean time, everyone enjoy this holiday weekend. More to come later!